With warm, spring weather finally here, our mindset begins to shift. In winter, we often stay inside, eat warm foods, and hold out for spring. During colder months, we acknowledge that we are struggling with our mental health because it feels more acceptable to acknowledge that the lack of sun and cold weather makes life harder. So when spring comes around, we tend to see the spring weather as a relief from that heaviness we feel. Sometimes, it is the warm weather, sunshine, and fresh air that we need, but oftentimes, that isn't enough, and suddenly, toxic positivity starts spreading like wildfire because "cheer up, it's spring!"
Did you know that spring is one of the best times to start new routines, prioritize new tasks, and take care of your mental health? We tend to do this around new years, which is actually not a good time because who is motivated to start new things in the dead of winter? Spring brings us new energy and the motivation to try new things. If you start your habits now, they will already be set in stone by the time winter comes and the motivation begins to drain away.
We do spring cleaning, preparing our homes for a beautiful summer and giving our lives a feeling of freshness. So why don't we do that for our inner home as well? What would it be like if you did a "spring cleaning" on the inside? Here's my Mental Health Spring Cleaning list:
Social Media: Clean up your Social Media pages. Unfollow people that are making you feel unworthy of goodness, that you tend to compare yourself to, and that negatively impact your mental health. Maybe set time limits on the apps if you want to cut back on usage. Follow pages that are uplifting and inspire you.
Relationships: Re-evaluate your relationships. Are you surrounded by people that love and accept you, that encourage you to be the most authentic version of yourself, that encourage growth in you? If the answer is no, it might be time to end some relationships or cut back on the amount of time you spend with certain people. We are who we surround ourselves with, so surround yourself with people you want to more like, not less like.
Self-Care: Taking care of ourselves can look different in spring than in winter. Maybe winter is more about giving ourselves grace and rest, while spring is about trying new things, getting outside more, practicing mindfulness, meeting new people, moving your body, etc. We need different things in different seasons (even literal ones), so take time to think about what self-care looks like for you in this season, and then continue to ask yourself that question and adjust as needed.
Self-Love: Ask yourself, have I been doing things that show myself love or have I been hard and unkind to myself? Think of some small ways to show yourself love, like wearing clothes you love and eating foods that make you happy. Work on forgiving yourself for any past mistakes and times where you abandoned yourself. Practice showing yourself kindness and compassion.
Prioritize Your Mental Health: If you've been putting off therapy, maybe now is a great time to try it. Spring is a time of new beginnings, and you deserve them too. If you are struggling with your mental health or want to learn how to "clean up" the above points, therapy might be right for you. Many therapists offer free consultations to help you find a good fit. Read our post "How to Choose a Therapist" if you want to learn more about choosing a therapist that will work for you.
Let spring be a reminder that you deserve fresh starts, new beginnings, and the opportunity to bloom, just like all those flowers coming to life. Embrace this season of growth and change by investing in yourself. You deserve some TLC too.🌷